Summer 2004
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By Knowles Little
The Association is preparing a genealogy chart that shows the
descendants of James Higgins (1733 - 1816). It is based on information
obtained by Mary Ann Barnes, the Chevy Chase Chapter of the DAR, Eileen
McGuckian during the formation of the Higgins Cemetery Association and
data from the author's grandmother, Luraner Mannakee Little. The chart
has 9 generations of descendants beginning with James Higgins and
Luraner Becraft Higgins. It contains the names of 113 individuals, some
with dates, but missing information is needed to complete the project.
Of particular interest are the names and data concerning descendants
still residing in Maryland and Virginia. We also hope to obtain data
concerning individuals who are buried in the cemetery.
Anecdotally, I know that my great grandmother, Georgiana Knowles
Mannakee, is buried there. Her daughter, my grandmother, told me a year
before she died that she regretted not being able to locate the
cemetery where her mother was buried. She told me that it was near the
railroad tracks in south Rockville, but was unable to locate it. This
was in 1952 when I was 10 years old. I was very glad to have been able
to find the cemetery in 2000 and hope someday to identify her grave
site and others. This will require information from yet unknown
descendants who may have burial plot records of the Higgins Family
Compiling this chart produced another surprise for me: I graduated from
high school in the same year as one of 4 sixth cousins descended from
James and Luraner Higgins. I did not know
that I was related to any of them until compiling this chart. I suspect
that there are other cousins in the area as quite a few descendent
lines are missing. If you are not on this chart, I would like to add
you to it.
The Association may eventually place a permanent copy of this chart in
the form of a plaque at the cemetery. Your additional information is
needed to complete this genealogy.
I would be happy to send you a copy of this interesting genealogy and
ask that you send a donation to the Association with your request.
Please write me with your request or with information concerning the
Higgins descendants. Your input is needed to complete this project.
Recently the Cemetery was the beneficiary of an Eagle Scout Project.
Michael Meehan, a member of Troop 90 at Blessed Sacrament Parish in
Washington, developed a project to beautify the site. An Eagle Project
is the last step for a boy seeking an Eagle Scout Award. He must first
earn at least 21 merit badges and attain the rank of Life Scout. His
Eagle Project requires that he develop and lead a public service
project requiring at least 100 hours of volunteer work by Scouts and
friends under the Eagle candidate's supervision.
Michael did an excellent job of developing and directing a landscaping
project around the James Higgins monument and marker at the Cemetery.
He has successfully completed the project and was awarded his badge
this past April.
Thank you and congratulations Michael.
Summer 2004
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We depend greatly on volunteer help for much of the work to maintain
the cemetery. But we do have expenses. Insurance runs about $500 per
year and until this year was graciously covered by Ernest Aschenbach.
In addition to insurance, we have expenses of another $150 to $200
each. This $650 - $700 "bare bones" annual budget maintains only the
status quo budget and will not permit us to move ahead with any part of
our long-range plans for the cemetery.
Right now we have $221 in the bank account so we need financial help.
If you can contribute to the cemetery it would be most appreciated.
Please send your check to the Higgins Cemetery Association c/o of
Knowles Little at Knowles home address noted in the list of officers.
Remember your contribution is tax deductible because Higgins Cemetery Association is a 501(c) 13 not-for-profit organization.
We are looking for a Newsletter Editor for future editions. If you'd like to help, contact John Higgins.
By Mary Ann Barnes
(This is the first part of what will be a series of short articles about the family.)
James Higgins, Montgomery County, Maryland soldier of the American
Revolutionary War and patriot, rests in death in his original burial
location on his home place farm. This is known as the "Higgins Family
Burial plot" and is located in the 5700 block of Arundel Avenue. This
is a light industrial area located past the line of the City of
Rockville off Twinbrook Parkway. It is near the US government's large
Parklawn Drive US Health and Human Services Building complex, only a
short walk from the Twinbrook Metro stop on the Red Line.
Higgins was born in 1733 and died in 1816 at age 84 years. His wife,
Lurander (Becraft) Higgins was born in 1744 and died in 1819, age 75
years. A large Seneca sandstone monument sits in the center of the
cemetery. It is believed to have been erected to honor the memory of
James and Lurander Higgins and one of their sons, James Becraft Higgins
and his wife Mary Eleanor.
The cemetery is located on a tract known in 1769 as the "Addition"
when, it was purchased by James Higgins. The land was then in Frederick
County, Maryland. By the 1890s a portion of this land was a new
subdivision platted as "Spring Lake" by the then owner, a Washington,
D. C. land speculator.
James Higgins married Lurander Becraft on 11 November 1760. She was a
daughter of Peter Becraft of Frederick County, Maryland. Becraft was
prominent and owned several tracts of land including some in the
Linganore area of present Frederick County, Maryland. Another tract
later became part of the present Town of Kensington, in Montgomery
County, Maryland. This tract came under ownership of his sonin-law.
Higgins owned this old Becraft tract at the time of his death. It later
came to ownership of a grandson-inlaw, George Knowles whose name is
perpetuated in the present Knowles Avenue in Kensington.
(To be continued.)