to Higgins Family Cemetery Web
Cemetery Historic Preservation Association, Inc. Is a non-profit 501 (C) -13, supported by contributions.
Arundel Avenue, Rockville,
Maryland 20852, located near the HEW building.
Interpretive sign designed and installed by Chevy Chase Chapter of DAR and Higgins Association.
Five video clips illustrate events at Higgins Cemetery
Click on a photo below to see the video clip
Our 2018 sign was developed by Chevy Chase DAR and our Board.
2015 Headstone restoration and placement
by Mosko Monument Services Co.
Tree and Lawn Care is a regular expense.
This work was performed in 2019 by Lees Trees.
Over the past 24 years, Chevy Chase DAR has supported the Cemetery.

This video shows Before and After at Higgins Cemetery

Thank You Volunteers and organizations who helped clean up and improve the
grounds over the years.
More Pictures and Information ... Click on a
The Higgins Board enjoys getting together
welcome inquiries to President, John Higgins, email: higgins@cua.edu
or Treasurer, Knowles Little, email : kglittle68@msn.com
Tax-deductible donations for our on-going preservation effort are
Make checks payable to "Higgins Cemetery Preservation" and send to
Knowles G Little, Treasurer
9109 Scott Drive
Rockville, MD 20850